Tuesday, June 12, 2012

That’ll Never Happen!

The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways, but the folly of fools is deception.
Proverbs 14:8

“It’s not a good idea, Granger,” Steve said adamantly. “Your parents said no parties. What happens when they find out?”
Eddie Granger looked at his friend with a pained expression, “You’re jokin’ … right?! Besides, that’ll never happen! They’re seventeen hundred miles away on some secluded beach. They never caught me before!” he bragged.
So Eddie planned what he hoped would be the party of the year. After nailing down the details, he sent a mass-text, inviting everyone he knew.
Later that evening, with the party in full swing, Eddie took stock of his surroundings. There was plenty of alcohol and even some pot making the rounds. He was pleased with himself. There must be well over two hundred people here! he thought to himself. I can’t believe Steve didn’t come! Oh well, his loss!
A short while later, while enjoying the fruits of his labor, Eddie noticed it had suddenly gotten quiet. This realization was followed immediately by a familiar voice asking, “Where’s my son?! Eddie?! Eddie! Where are you?!!!” his father hollered. Nooooo! What are they doing here?! They’re not supposed to be home until Sunday!

Eddie never figured on getting caught. He was so sure his parents wouldn’t find out. Never is a fool’s favorite word. It allows them to think only in terms of fulfilling insatiable desires and instant gratification, and keeps them from taking into account the possibility of undesirable consequences due to deceptive behavior.
Luke 12:2 says, “There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.” Our deception will be found out; if not immediately or publicly, then somewhere down the road. Our actions will not go unnoticed … or be inconsequential.
Sometimes it’s hard doing the right thing; that’s the nature of temptation. But doing what is right is always the best choice. When faced with tough choices we can either do as Eddie, eventually reaping destruction, or Steve, maintaining a clear conscience and avoiding unnecessary trouble. God expects us to put some thought into our actions.

“Help me give thought to my ways, Lord. Guide my steps so I can avoid unnecessary and pain-filled consequences. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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