Sunday, November 24, 2013

Are We Compelled?

For Christ’s love compels us.
2 Corinthians 5:14

It was hard to miss the man perched eight feet above the ground, standing on the highest level of the fountain. A sizable crowd had gathered to listen. His voice was rich and strong and could be heard over quite a distance.
He spoke a message of love and commitment to God, to family, and to each other.
And the longer he spoke, the more impassioned he became.
He hoped they were listening, hearing his words of counsel. “God loves us unconditionally! But if we continue to disregard His decrees and continue living without moral restrictions, He cannot ignore our rebellion!”
Many stopped just long enough to hear the message. Some shook their heads in disgust; some offered harsh comments; each went their own way.
Others, constrained by the message, were held captive by its unblemished truth. This nondescript street preacher was speaking to any and all who would listen. And unmindful of their response, he spoke from his heart.
“We are trampling on God’s love! We rebel and dare Him to show us His judgment!” He held nothing back, yet his manner was nonjudgmental. It was as if you could hear his soul crying out, “Please, listen! The Lord cannot allow us to go unpunished! His holiness cannot abide our sin. His love will not let us go!”
It was as if Christ Himself were speaking to the masses. And just like in Jesus’ day, the people were divided.
Paul brought a message of reconciliation to Corinth. His message, much like this street preacher’s, fell on both fertile and barren soil alike. Yet he could not remain silent. Christ’s love so compelled him that he cared nothing of what they thought of him, only the message.
I have known a few who were compelled to this level of devotion; gripped so desperately by the truth of what awaits those who refuse to accept the cross of Calvary and the One Who paid the price for their salvation that they throw all caution to the wind to bring this message.
We are compelled by Christ, and in light of the truth, we should refuse to remain silent.

“Give me words to speak, Lord. Compel me to tell others of Your great love. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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