Where’s Your Heart Set?
Set your hearts on things above …
Colossians 3:2
The story goes that an old man was sitting at the edge of town, whittling, when a traveler appeared. “I’m a stranger hereabouts, just kinda passin’ through.” Then the traveler asked, “What are the people like here in this town?”
The old whittler paused a moment, looked up, and asked, “What were they like where you came from?”
Taken aback, he answered, “They were kinda mean and nasty. Wouldn't lift a finger ta help you.”
The old whittler gave him a long look, shook his head sadly, and said, “Well, you’ll find that’s what they’re like here.”
The traveler responded cynically, “Kinda what I figured!” and walked on into town.
As the man disappeared, a second traveler walked up to the old whittler and said, “I’m looking for a place to settle down. This looks like a nice town. What are the people like?”
Once again the old whittler asked, “What were they like where you came from?”
The traveler responded, “Oh, they were wonderful. People went out of their way to be kind. If there was a need, someone was always ready to lend a hand.”
The old whittler nodded and said, “Well, you’ll find that’s exactly what they’re like here!”
“Wonderful!” the traveler responded and headed into town.
Two travelers with the very same question regarding the very same people in the very same town received two very different answers. Why? Because the old whittler knew they would find what they were used to looking for.Our outlook on life sets the tone for our expectations. What we come to expect, we will experience. If we project these expectations long enough, they will become the rule of thumb by which we judge everything.
When we look for the good in people, we will find it. Likewise, when we look for their faults, they will become evident.
Christ died to fill our hearts with hope, not irritability. We can choose what we experience. It is a matter of disciplining our hearts to look for the right things. Where is your heart set?
“Lord, give me eyes to see the good in others, not only the bad. Develop in me a right attitude so I might be a blessing to this world. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”
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