Sunday, June 1, 2014

Just be a Thistle

But make up your mind not to worry beforehand how you will defend yourselves.
Luke 21:14

As I walked, meditating on how God uses us to spread the Gospel, I was prompted to ask Him how He intended to use me. As I meditated I became concerned about what my service to the Lord would look like. Since with me concern sometimes preempts worry, God took that moment to intervene, “Look at that thistle.”
Thistles intrigue me; spiny, perfectly rounded cones with that beautiful bloom, surrounded by sweeping tendrils that look so fragile. So when God said, “Look” I did so with fascination, asking, “Okay. What?”
“Where have you found these?” He asked.
“Pretty much from the East to the West,” I responded.
His next question was two-part, “How did they get there, and did they have anything to do with it?”
I realized He was painting me into a corner, “The wind and the birds scatter the seeds, Lord. And no, the thistle has no control over it.” Then before He could ask, I added, “And no, it doesn't worry about how it will propagate.”
“So why is it we keep having this discussion?” He gently admonished.
“Because I’m slow to trust that You’ll do what’s best,” I answered, knowing He wasn't quite done.
“Everything without self-will serves its created purpose. A life of self-will, yielded wholly to Me, can do the same.” Then He added, “There’s a lot less stress involved.”
What could I say? Kneeling on the spot, I committed to simplicity, “I pledge right now, LORD, to just be a thistle, leaving the seeds I bear in Your hands for the scattering.”
We should care about the witness we share with the world…we should not be concerned in the how or where of that witness.
Jesus, in today's text, instructed the Disciples to make up their minds ahead of time to not worry about what they’d say when tested, allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through them. Having heeded Jesus' instruction, the Disciple's words carried power and truth.
This directive applies to our witness as well. A life wholly yielded to God, daily giving Him our cares and concerns, empowers us with confidence through His Holy Spirit. And then, just like the thistle, God can direct us to the people and places we are meant to witness to.


“I've made up my mind, LORD. I’m Your thistle. Lead on. Amen.”  

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