Monday, June 9, 2014


I have loved you with an everlasting love.
Jeremiah 31:3

Sitting down at his computer, Randy immediately saw the note taped to his monitor. Handwritten on a piece of plain white paper was the acronym S.H.M.I.L.Y.
He smiled as he pulled it from the screen, folded the tape over the back, and placed it in his drawer alongside a mounting storehouse of affectionate compositions from his wife.
Randy and Shauna were forever leaving notes for each other. Neither left the house without leaving the other a note. Most notes revealed their whereabouts and when they would return. Many times they were terms of endearment, a reminder of their commitment and love for one another. S.H.M.I.L.Y. was one-such expression.
As Randy began his day’s work, he thought about how to respond to Shauna’s note. Settling on the one thing he knew would bring a smile to her face, he slipped away to the field behind the house and picked a bouquet of wildflowers an hour before she returned home from work. Arranging them in her favorite vase, he pulled this morning’s note from his drawer, and added a two so it read: “S.H.M.I.L.Y. 2,” and placed the vase on the kitchen counter and then returned to work.
They’d both meant every word: See How Much I Love You!
Notes are a simple yet wonderful way to communicate with each other. Leaving them to be discovered in strategic locations can be a personal and inspirational way of declaring, “I care.”
Taking time to pen our thoughts or feelings establishes our commitment to the one for which the note is intended.
God devoted a tremendous amount of work and time writing notes to us and has left them in strategic places for us to find.
His note to us in Jeremiah 31 says, “I have loved you with an everlasting love.” Scripture is full of His wonder-filled and personal declarations.
In His note to us in John 17:24, at the climax of His earthly mission, Jesus prayed for us to be with Him and to see His glory. Translation: “See How Much I Love You!”

“Lord, thank You for Your love that sustains me. Help me love with a love that is selfless. May I bring affirmation to each individual You place in my life today. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

*Dedicated to James and Myrtle Dobson

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