Thursday, August 28, 2014

He Hears Me When I Cry

I love the LORD, for he heard my voice…Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live.
Psalm 116:1, 2

“Mooooom!?” echoed a young girl’s cry from the shallow end of the pool. Nancy instinctively turned her head toward the cry. Seeing Lindsay wasn't in any immediate danger, she walked over the where her daughter was splashing water in the face of her cousin, who was doing the same to her.
“Make him stop, Mom!” Lindsay complained.
Nancy stifled a laugh, “If you don’t like it, stop splashing Shawn. And, Shawn, big boys aren't supposed to pick on little girls, especially when it’s their younger cousin,” she admonished her nephew.
With the situation settled for the time being, Nancy walked back to her chaise lounge and lay back down.
“Where’d you go?” Polly asked opening her eyes just enough to look in her sister’s direction.
“I heard Lindsay hollering at Shawn.”
“In this chaos?!” Rachel exclaimed. “There’s got to be two hundred screaming kids in that pool! How’d you hear Lindsay’s voice above all that noise?”
“I guess my ears are tuned to hear my kids when they need me,” Nancy said. “You’ll hear your baby’s voice when he’s born, too,” she added, pointing to her friends growing tummy.
As a mother’s ears hear the sound of her child’s voice among a hundred other screaming kids, so is God able to hear our individual cry among the countless voices of those who cry out to Him.
The Psalmist was so impressed by the turning of God’s ear to his cry of distress, “Then I called on the name of the LORD: ‘LORD, save me!’ ”, that he resolved to call on the LORD for the rest of his life.
It is unfathomable to us that God can and does hear our voice even when millions, if not billions of voices are calling His Name at the same time. Omniscience and omnipotence give Him the ability to not only hear us, but they enable God to minister to us intimately at the same time He is ministering to others. And although we may not totally understand how that works, we can rest assured that He hears us when we cry.


“I am amazed that You can hear me when I cry, LORD. Thank You for always listening. Amen.”  

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