Rice Bowl
“This poor widow has put in more than
all the others.
Luke 21:3
The congregation listened as the pastor
spoke of those who had lost so much during the recent tornado
outbreak. As he spoke, a member of the congregation came forward and
dropped a check in the offering plate. Many eagerly followed suit,
including a widowed mother of three.
The pastor noticed her gift was not
monetary in nature, but was instead, a small wooden bowl. Knowing the
woman was extremely poor, he stepped over to her and quietly said,
“God appreciates your generous gesture, Molly. But isn't this the
bowl you carry rice home from the market in?”
Her challenge ended any argument,
“Can’t the poor give as well?”
“Yes,” was all he could say.
Another member of the congregation
stood and said, “I will give you $1000 for that bowl!”
Stunned, the woman watched as the man
came forward and placed a check in the plate to cover his purchase.
He then turned to the congregation, lifted the bowl in both hands,
and said, “I have here in my hands a valuable bowl. Who will give
me $100 for it?” In less than thirty seconds the bidding reached
$4000! “Sold!” he shouted.
After the new buyer came forward and
settled her debt, she turned and said, “Many of you bid against me
in an effort to buy this special, one of a kind bowl. I would like to
offer each of you a chance to buy it…” and the little bowl was
auctioned off once more. Time and again, the bowl was sold to the
highest bidder. And when the auction finally ended, the little rice
bowl had raised more than $86,000!
God appreciates all who give…especially
when it benefits others directly. Yet, when we give out of our
poverty, it moves His heart. And He, in turn, moves the hearts of
those who witness such generosity.
Scripture says God loves a cheerful
giver. It’s a matter of our heart, not our bank account. What do
you have that would thrill God’s heart if you generously gave it
away to benefit another?
“Everything I have is
Yours, Father God. In this moment I ask You to show me how to give as
the woman with the rice bowl. Teach me the true nature of generosity.
In Jesus’ Name, amen.”
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