Thursday, September 25, 2014

At His Command

Does the hawk take flight by your wisdom…Does the eagle soar at your command?
Job 39:26, 27

Unable to be at her dying mother’s bedside, Barb, along with her husband, Keith, and their daughter, Missy, were united via speaker-phone. Each understood it was just a matter of moments before Mary Opaline ‘Opie’ Simmons, was face to face with Jesus.
“Mom, you’re going to see Beth soon...” Barb said, alluding to her sister’s death in November, 2005. “Won’t that be great!” she added, choking back tears.
As Opie’s breathing became labored and ragged the three recited the ‘Lord’s Prayer’ together. “Our Father, who art in Heaven…” Just as they finished, Opie met Jesus…
“Would you look at that...?!” Keith said in wonder.
A beautifully marked hummingbird hovered at the window. Barb had come to know each tiny bird that visited her window perch, yet she’d never seen this one before. So exquisite, it was almost beyond description, the markings unlike anything they had ever seen; colors so vibrant they seemed to pulsate. The peculiar thing was that the bird was not feeding; it just danced back and forth, tapping the glass with its fragile beak.
In that moment Barb felt God’s enveloping love. This feathered work of art was for her! It was God’s way of saying, “Opie is with me now; she is home.” A tangible peace filled the room as the three embraced. Mourning would take time, but God had given them a sign…and that made all the difference.
Do you find it strange that God would send a tiny bird as His messenger? You shouldn't…He created each one, and they are summoned at His command.
If Job could not stand before God with a suitable answer for the question asked in today’s text, who are we to tell God what He can and cannot do?
God has His unique way speaking to each of us; it is personal, and intimate…He speaks ‘our language’. He can come to us in ways that are profound and life-changing, or it can be as gentle as a whisper, but, if we look for Him, we will see Him.

“Thank You, Father God, for always manifesting Your presence in ways I understand and recognize. Help me to never become skeptical or cynical about how You come to us. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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