Thursday, September 18, 2014

Mature and Complete

Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
James 1:4

“It seems like every time I get a handle on things the bottom falls out,” the exasperation in Tara’s tone was unmistakable. “I don’t get it…” she paused, “why can’t God just let me rest awhile?”
Her sister understood her frustration. It did appear that every time Tara completed a difficult task something else emerged, and a ‘new struggle’ would ensue. “I don’t know Sis. Maybe God knows that this will bring something better, and He trusts you enough to allow the trials to mature you.” It was pure speculation on Myra’s part, but as soon as she’d said it the words rang true. “That’s it!” she said. “God is stretching you for your own good!”
Tara just looked at her as if daring her to repeat herself.
Myra tried to be encouraging, “That’s a good thing, Sis! God knows more about you than you do and He wants you to know that He trusts you to rise above your feelings and meet the battle head on!”
Tara’s gaze told her well-meaning sister that although she may be right, she didn't want to hear it.
Each time we get comfortable in our walk with Christ we will be stretchedNot might be, will be. The problem is we don’t like to be stretched. We pray to be godly people who represent the Lord, yet complain and whine when God allows circumstances that would mold us into who we've asked to become.
Any meaningful growth will be accompanied by discomfort. If we would become a true representation of Christ, we must expect to be uncomfortable from time to time.
Although some may be apathetic, no good parent would allow their kids to run rampant through life without some loving intervention. Why then, would we expect our Creator and Heavenly Father to be any different? Perseverance must finish its work so that we will be mature and complete, lacking nothing!


“Father God, it hurts when You stretch me. Teach me to appreciate Your loving instruction that causes me to become the person You created me to be. Continue guiding me and give me the strength to meet each difficult situation I find myself in head on. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”   

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