Friday, March 20, 2015

The Pen*

Give, and it will be given to you.
Luke 6:38

Out of everything in the world a person could collect, Ed chose pens. “There’s nothing like the feel of a good pen in your hand,” he’d say. Quirky, but that’s how he felt.
Seated next to him at a conference, a man asked to borrow Ed’s pen. Reluctantly, Ed handed it to him, anxiously watching as the man bore down too hard on it! That’s when God asked Ed to give the man the pen. “No way!” he silently rebelled. The man handed Ed his pen back and Ed pocketed it. End of story. Or so he thought.
During a short break, Ed was engaged in conversation with a man wearing an eye-catching chain around his neck. Ed commented on how nice it was. As he looked over the man’s shoulder, he saw ‘Pen Man’ across the auditorium. God whispered again, “Give him the pen.” Ed argued with God for the rest of the conference, but finally relented. When the conference ended, Ed, pen in left hand, headed toward the man. As he traversed the distance he was stopped by ‘Chain Man.’
Reaching out to shake his hand, intending to go on, he realized ‘Chain Man’ had given him something in the handshake. Stopping in his tracks, he looked into his open hand to see the chain he’d admired!
Most of us just are like Ed. We get possessive of the things we have, feeling we’re entitled to what we’ve worked hard for! God wants to rid us of such bondage. Because when we train our hearts to be possessive we miss opportunities to be God’s blessing to others.
Reciprocity is a spiritual truth; “Give, and it will be given” aren’t just words on a page. It’s God’s directive wrapped in a promise. But if we fail to execute the first part of the equation, God can’t fulfill the second part.
Learning to hold on loosely to what God gives us is paramount to being an instrument of blessing. And the axiom, “It’s better to give than receive” is true.
Not sure? Test the theory today.

“Lord, make me a vessel of Your provision today. Help me become willing to give whatever You ask of me. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

*Inspired by Pastor Ed Young. Ed Young Ministries, P.O. Box 619005 Dallas, Texas 75261-9005

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