Monday, March 23, 2015

Tithing Our Day

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
Psalm 73:26

“I look at spending my mornings with God as a form of tithing,” Cheryl said. “I believe that giving ten percent of our income, the first fruit of our finances, should carry over into our relationship with Jesus.”
The statement just kind of hung there. Cheryl had broached a subject many Christians avoid like the plague.
“I’m not sure I see your point,” Penny questioned.
Cheryl continued, “God wants us to get to know and understand Him, right? That means being in a relationship where we spend time talking to Him and listening for His response so He can have input in our day. He wants to begin the day with us.” She waited a moment and added, “So wouldn’t that be like tithing our day…giving Him the first-fruits of our day?”
She pressed on, “Getting to know God is like having breakfast. We eat our first meal shortly after rising so we have the strength and energy to meet the physical demands of the day.” She could see lights coming on and continued, “We don’t wait until dinner-time to decide to have breakfast, so we shouldn’t wait until later in the day, or maybe not at all, to be nourished spiritually. We can’t dismiss God’s willingness to add strength to our day and expect to rise above our trials.” Cheryl saw new understanding dawning in their eyes.
In our busyness we tend to cut corners in our day in the hopes of finding more time to get things done. As if it were possible, we try to manufacture time by removing what we feel are unnecessary appointments from our schedule. Many times this includes our spending time with God.
David understood that when we set out on our own we are disconnected from the very Source of strength and guidance we need to navigate the day.
We wouldn’t think of sending our children to school without feeding them and giving them directions for the day. God doesn’t want to send His children out without doing the same.

“LORD, I come to you for guidance this morning, asking You to show me it’s time well spent. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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