Thursday, July 9, 2015


But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth.
John 16:13

Harvey was small as cats go. But what she lacked in size she made up for in spunk and speed. When it came to playing she was quick, decisive, and relentless. No matter what you dangled in front of her, she would attack until it was secure in her grasp.
Yet Harvey knew when to rein in her aggressive nature. In this she was unlike any cat we ever had. When our children, Eric and Lindsay, were toddlers, Harvey displayed a gentleness reserved only for them, which was never more evident than when we played ‘Hide and Tap’, one of Harvey’s favorite games.
Harvey would crawl into a large brown-paper bag, where she would bat at my finger as I tapped the outside of the bag. Her split-second response was amazing; more times than not her claws would streak through the bag, laying claim to my finger.
But even more amazing was that if one of the kids tapped on the bag, Harvey never moved. My wife and I marveled at her uncanny ability to discern the difference between adult and child. We have never been able to explain this phenomenon, but believe it is quite possible her gentleness with Eric and Lindsay was God-inspired.
I do not believe God indwells animals. I do, however, believe only God could have provided the discernment that kept Harvey’s sharp claws from harming our children.
Conversely, God's Holy Spirit indwells every man, woman, boy and girl, who makes His Son the Lord and Savior of their life, with His Holy Spirit.
This indwelling is the link by which we communicate with our Heavenly Father. He is the Voice inside us that confirms in approval, or convicts in disapproval, our thoughts and actions; that little catch in our spirit, His still, small, voice saying something is right or wrong.
He leads us on a road with many intersections and detours, giving us a heads-up to where dangers lie, and where God would have us walk. Without the guidance of the Holy Spirit we travel aimlessly through life without God’s truth in our hearts, never knowing the peace and comfort that comes from being indwelt.

“Thank You for Your Holy Spirit, Father God. May I always remain sensitive and responsive to His guidance. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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