Tuesday, July 7, 2015


No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other.
Matthew 6:24

Mrs. Alton brought out her display of magnets for her third grade class. She had several different magnets glued to a board with their respective names and types written underneath each one. But what excited the students was the shoebox full of magnets they were allowed to handle and experiment with.
The classroom bubbled with chatter as each child grabbed a magnet and searched for a metallic surface that would either attract or repel the small piece of metal in their hand.
“Wow! Lookatthis…lookatthis!” squealed one little girl, holding her three ring binder by one of the rivets. “Cool!” said one of the boys as he tried to force two magnets together, yet was unable to do so no matter how hard he tried.
And so began a lesson on magnets. Mrs. Alton explained how magnets had two opposite sides; one positive, one negative. “With magnets,” she said, “opposites attract and forces that are identical, repel. We call that polarization.”
“Sweeeet!” she heard one of the boys exclaim as he turned one of the two magnets he was trying to force together around to have them slap together with a metallic click!
There are magnets of varying strengths and sizes, yet each one displays the same characteristics of attraction and repulsion. This is a constant throughout the Universe.
It is also a constant in the spiritual realm. We are either attracted or repelled by these forces. In today’s text, Jesus makes it clear that we cannot serve both God and Satan. And although He mentions money, speaking to the pursuit of riches, this verse is all encompassing as it pertains to our relationship with God.
There is no stronger diametric opposition than the forces at work between God and Satan. We are attracted to one and repelled by the other. Our hearts are either being drawn to our Creator, or our adversary. We, unlike the magnet, can choose how we are polarized.


“Lord Jesus, give me a heart that is drawn to You and repelled by the subtle evil Satan wants me to engage in. Awaken Your Spirit within me to guide and encourage me as I walk with You through this life. Amen.”

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