Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Help Them Up

If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.
Ecclesiastes 4:10

I watched as the cow labored to deliver her calf. Each contraction brought the calf closer to birth. As the head appeared, the cow let out a long bawl. The veterinarian carefully reached into the birth canal and took hold of the calf’s front legs. He gently pulled at the onset of the next contraction, and with one final bellow, the calf was born. The miracle of birth had once again been repeated!
Although tired from its traumatic ordeal, the newborn struggled to stand. Quivering, he forced his legs together in an awkward motion, straining to get to his feet. But he fell to the ground. The cow instinctively and affectionately nuzzled the calf, cleaning his eyes and nose with her tongue.
After several failed attempts by the calf to stand, the cow stood, and moved to a position directly above the newborn. Using her tongue by curling it around the little bull’s mid section, she lifted him until he was standing.
On wobbly legs, the calf took a tentative step…and fell. With each fall the cow assisted him in regaining his feet. In less than half an hour the calf was walking, and nursing.
Like the calf, new and mature Christians alike, fall down. And while the reasons we fall are wide-ranging, getting back on our feet, and staying there, requires the assistance of fellow believers. Typically, God sends someone wise enough not to stand in judgment of us…someone who has been down this road themselves.
Solomon’s warning to those who have no one to help them in the event of a fall is meant for all of us. No one should ever be left to fend for themselves. If you see a fellow believer stumble, don’t stand around waiting for someone else to help them. Go to them in love, just as you would want someone to do for you, and help them up.


“Lord, give me the courage, strength, and compassion to help a brother or sister in Christ to stand when they have fallen. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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