Monday, September 21, 2015

Jerks for Jesus

Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.
Ephesians 4:15

Over the past two months as pedestrians approached the southeast corner of Fourth and Graves, they were confronted with a decision; take the more direct route past the ‘obnoxious’ man holding his Bible aloft, while expounding on end-times eschatology, “The end is near! Get right with Jesus or pay the consequences!” or cross the street at the opposite corner to get to their destination unmolested.
Every morning the man showed up to enlighten passersby regarding their spiritual fate, “Accept Jesus or burn in Hell for eternity!” Yet, in all that time not a single person had responded in a positive manner. Conversely, more than a few audiblized their disapproval, calling him names like, “Jackass!” and “Jerk!”
One woman stopped to ask why he felt compelled to condemn people.
He defended his actions, “People need to hear the naked, unblemished truth!”
“But can’t you see you’re being construed as offensive and judgmental?”
“Quite honestly, I don’t care what they think of my approach!” he responded indignantly.
“And that, sir is exactly why no one listens!” she informed him, and continued on.
Attempting to proselytize someone at the risk of offending them is not speaking the truth in love. It gives the impression that their views and opinions are irrelevant, they don’t matter, and it leaves them feeling judged.
The adage, “Honey catches more flies than vinegar’ is a good standard when we’re reaching out to the lost. It’s not our job to convict others of their sin…nor can we. Only God’s Holy Spirit can enlighten someone to their need of a Savior.
Brow-beating has yet to win a single soul for Jesus. When we cross that line, taking things into our own hands, we stand a better-than-average chance of becoming jerks for Jesus.


“Help me be the kind of witness You need instead of an offensive jerk who turns people away from You, Lord Jesus. Give me ears to listen, and a heart of compassion to reach the lost. Amen.”

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