Sunday, November 29, 2015

Just One Drop

But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.
Ephesians 2:13

Dale had just pricked his finger to test his blood-sugar when Jenna walked into the room. The twelve-year-old glanced at her father, “Seems like a lot to go through every day, Daddy. Doesn’t it ever frustrate you?”
Dale smiled, “Awe, Honey, this is nothing. It’s just one drop of blood a few times a day. And it keeps me healthy. I’ll gladly go through the slight discomfort in order to have a better quality of life.”
Jenna’s countenance brightened at the remark, “I guess I hadn’t thought about it that way. I guess I would do it too if it made me feel better… But if that machine needed any more than one drop of blood I think I’d get sick just trying to activate it!”
Dale laughed, “Me too, Jen. “
The unit beeped as she left the room. Dale looked at the display where his glucose level had appeared. He picked up a syringe and the vial of insulin and administered the necessary dosage.
Technology is amazing. Just one drop of blood on a test strip tells us how imperfect our body chemistry can be. Chemicals in the strip mix with the glucose in our blood and this mixture is then transmitted to the hand-held meter. The meter analyzes the thick liquid, and registers the glucose number on the view screen. The diabetic then knows how much insulin to administer in order to get their blood sugar back in balance. This procedure allows us to maintain healthier blood.
There is, however, a source of blood that is not only perfect, but has the most remarkable properties. Just one drop has the power to set free all who are in bondage, save the lost, and heal the sick. It ushers those who accept it into the presence of God. It makes the imperfect perfect.
It is the blood of Jesus, and it is the most powerful entity in the Universe. But it only works when it’s applied to a sinner’s heart. For without the blood we remain lost, apart from God’s presence.
If you’ve not asked Jesus to apply His blood to your heart I urge you to do so today. It is a decision you will never regret.

“Lord Jesus, I ask You to cover me with Your blood, and make me a new creation. Amen.”

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