Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Peelin’ Carrots

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it
Proverbs 22:6 KJV

It was late fall and the boys were visiting Gramma while Daddy ran some errands. Wyatt, a thoughtful 6 yr old, and Garrett, a rambunctious 4 yr old, were busying themselves, playing and chattering…doing the things they enjoyed doing at Gramma’s house.
As afternoon turned to evening and darkness was settling in Wyatt declared, “We’ll just have to spend the night, Gramma. It’s getting dark.”
“Your dad will be here soon. You have school tomorrow,” she said continuing to prepare vegetables for the next day’s dinner.
“Can I help, Gramma?” Wyatt asked.
Always quick to invite the boys’ assistance in the kitchen, she pulled a chair to the sink, “Sure, Wyatt!” She loved teaching her grandsons things that would help them in the future.
Garrett asked if he could help, too. Not really excited to share his time with Gramma, Wyatt exclaimed, “He’s too little to peel carrots!”
Helping Garrett climb up on the chair, Gramma assured Wyatt, “Garret needs to learn too, just like you did, so he can go to school,” she said as a reminder to Wyatt of the times he’d helped her peel carrots when he was Garrett’s age.
As Wyatt scooted over, giving his younger brother room on the chair, he pondered a moment and then proclaimed, “Now Gramma, I haven’t’ peeled one carrot in school!”
Raising our children is our responsibility, and no one else’s. In this we must be deliberate, because what we pour into them as they mature is what will come out.
Our responsibility is to nurture them physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We must instill integrity and good moral character in our kids if they are to be good citizens, loving parents, and positive role models.
Their future actions will be a result of what we take the time to teach them now. So pull a chair up to the kitchen sink, and invite your child or grandchild to help peel carrots.


“Help me raise my children to be godly, moral, and responsible, Lord, and to treat others with compassion and the attitude of a servant. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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