Monday, February 22, 2016


But Samuel replied: “Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice.”
1 Samuel 15:22

She had come to the hospital because of God’s urging. She was here to minister in prayer. She found the family surrounding her friend’s bed. Each face said they knew their mother wouldn’t last the night. The doctor had said as much. She looked at them and simply said, “God asked me to come here tonight and pray for your mother.” With that, she left the room and crouched down in the hallway.
All through the night she prayed, knowing this friend’s adult children did not know God. All through the night she asked Him to bring glory to His Name and draw these men and women unto Himself. Frequently, one of them would come out to see if she was still there and thank her for what she was doing. Her presence seemed to bring them comfort. When morning dawned, there was marked improvement. Several days later, this mother of seven walked out of the hospital under her own power.
Our obedience allows God to work through us in ways we can’t imagine. When God is involved, the impact of our witness is immeasurable. This prayer warrior was an instrument of God. He had urged her during prayer that evening to come to the hospital and pray. She never hesitated. Her presence had opened a door for those who witnessed her obedience to God.
They didn’t know this woman very well before this night, but they knew their mother did. Because of her obedience, they were comfortable enough to ask questions about the One who had healed their mother.
We can show others the door to salvation with one act of obedience. God wants us to know when we respond, He moves.

“Healer of our souls, we give You glory. Speak to us in such a way that we recognize Your urging. We want to be instruments that lead others to salvation. Give us courage to do what You ask when You ask without question. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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