The Chimneys of Life
But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away … and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
2 Corinthians 3:16, 17
Dave knew what the thump from the basement was. So getting out of his chair, he grabbed his gloves from the coat rack and headed downstairs. An old brick chimney rose from the cellar up through the middle of the house, allowing the gas furnace to be vented.
During the coldest months, birds would swoop into the chimney, warming themselves in the updraft. Occasionally one ventured too far, and unable to fly out, it would drop into the furnace where it could become trapped and die. The fortunate ones made it through the vent pipe into the basement, escaping an immediate death sentence, but remaining trapped.
Trapped by means of deception, they would fly against the basement window, believing it to be a way of escape. The very thing that appeared to bring gratification brought entrapment and sometimes death. Dave, knowing they would die without his intervention, would go into the basement and catch them, cradling them in his hands until he set them free outdoors. To not do so would impose a death sentence.
Starved for love and security, we swoop into the chimneys of life, seeking life-giving warmth and protection, never realizing that to venture too far traps us, and we are unable to find our way out alone. We are deceived! Without intervention, we may die in these traps.But God, in His infinite mercy and grace, reaches into the chimney, offering to set us free. He desires to remove the veil Satan has placed over our spiritual eyes and heart, keeping us captive. God urges us to turn to Him. He wants to cradle us in His hands, bringing us out of captivity and setting us free in the Spirit. God speaks to our hearts, saying, “See the chimney for what it is; take hold of My hand. I want to exchange the death sentence for eternal life.”
“I sometimes end up in places I’m not supposed to be, Lord. Psalm 139 says no matter where I go, You will hold me fast. Hold me, Lord. Don’t let me go. Set me free. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”
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