Saturday, November 18, 2017

As Good As His Word

For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.
2 Corinthians 1:20

“God told me I’d meet my wife when I transferred to Lee University,” Josh told the group attending the training seminar. “But when I finished my junior year and still hadn’t met someone I began to wonder… ‘Was I mistaken? Hadn’t God promised me a wife?”
He shook his head, “By the end of my senior year I hadn’t had a single date! I’d been so sure Mrs. Holland would have appeared by now. But she was a no-show. I returned home puzzled.”
“Reflecting on my time at Lee I realized I had met a girl in my first year at Lee…we had become friends… But she was with someone else. So she couldn’t have been the one… could she? We kept in touch after graduation, and I found out she broke it off with the other guy. We talked on the phone every so often, then a couple times a week, and eventually every day. Ultimately, we got married. So…God hadn’t reneged on His promise; He just said I’d meet my wife at Lee. He didn’t say we’d get married there. It’s funny how we hear God say something and immediately form our own version of how that is supposed to look.”
Josh never questioned God’s promise, yet at the end of his time at Lee he was puzzled. Had God actually spoken the promise? Or, had he imagined the whole thing?
It’s a natural response that when God’s promise doesn’t come to fruition immediately we begin to doubt.
Only faith or prior experience with having waited on the fulfillment of one of God’s promises can silence our suspicious heart.
Scripture tells us that our promises come through Christ, and our faith says ‘let it be so’. When we hear from God we can be sure that what He has spoken will come to pass. He is as good as His word; His word just might look a little different than what we were expecting. So keep an open mind…and hold fast to what God said.


“Give me the faith to hold onto your promise, Lord, no matter how long it takes. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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