Carry each other’s burdens, and in
this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
Galatians 6:2
Phil’s ten year old son, Kyle,
fidgeted in the blind as they watched the first glimmer of light tint
the eastern sky. “When’s somethin’ gonna happen, Daddy?”
“Be patient Buddy,” Phil whispered,
patting Kyle’s shoulder.
As light began transforming the morning
from nondescript shapes into recognizable landmarks, he heard the
sound of geese honking overhead. Flocks of migratory birds were
flying south to their wintering grounds.
Phil wanted Kyle to witness one of
nature’s most amazing events…and hopefully teach him a valuable
lesson. As flock after flock flew overhead, Phil pointed and said,
“Do you see how they all fly in a V formation, Kyle?”
“Yah,” replied Kyle, questioningly.
Just then a lead goose left his
position at the point of the V. This was the moment Phil had been
waiting for, “Do you see how that goose dropped out of formation
and is moving to a place at the end of one of the legs of the V?”
“Uh Huh,” Kyle grunted.
“Watch how the second goose in line
moves up to take his place.”
“Why’d he do that, Daddy?” Kyle
asked in wonder.
“The flock has a long way to fly
before winter, Buddy,” Phil explained. “They instinctively switch
leaders every so often. By taking turns they conserve energy, Kyle.
It’s how God made them.”
Nature is not shackled by the belief it
was meant to be self-sufficient or make it on its own.
Only man instills that mindset in their offspring.
Through the simple act of watching
geese, Phil was teaching Kyle that although the world may tell him
otherwise, it is not a sign of weakness to accept help. Wise people
share their burdens; it’s one of God’s provisions for helping us
overcome the sin that so desperately seeks to destroy us.
We can learn a lot from Nature’s
example. By sharing the responsibility of getting to where God is
leading us we can avoid many of the pitfalls and barriers of life,
and in so doing fulfill Jesus’ command to ‘carry each other’s
“Help me to not refuse
assistance in overcoming the world, Lord. Give me a humble spirit
that understands the wisdom of accepting help. In Jesus’ Name,
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