Wednesday, January 2, 2019

How Has He Offended Them?

Be wise in how you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Colossians 4:5

“You can’t possibly believe that crap!” Gary said to his coworker, Marcia. “I mean…that entire book is a bunch of fairy tales. Grow up!” The sarcasm was unmistakable.
Marcia remained unruffled, “What makes you think that? Have you ever read it?”
“I’m not about to waste my time!” he said, yet a question appeared in his eyes.
“How can you judge what you don’t know or understand? What happened in your life to cause you to close your mind and heart to God’s message of love and salvation?” She let the ensuing silence hang, knowing God was at work. Gary turned away without giving her a response or further defaming the Bible Marcia was reading.
Two weeks passed without incident. Then Gary quietly and sincerely asked Marcia why she believed what the Bible said. The opportunity she had prayed for had been provided. For the next month Marcia spent time each day relating to Gary the life of Jesus, and the fundamental message of faith in Christ as our Savior. She explained that because of our sin, Jesus’ life and death became necessary as the atonement for the judgment God placed on Adam’s and our sin. She showed Gary pertinent scriptures, leading him to an understanding of his sin and his need to seek forgiveness.
Gary asked how he could have what she had; confessing he’d felt abandon after living through child-abuse, but now understanding God hadn’t caused his pain.
What part of the Message, or Messenger, of the Gospel has offended the outsiders you know? What has them refusing to believe and embrace this simple, yet life-changing truth?
Without knowing what part of God’s plan offends or repels them we have no way of speaking to the hurt or need in their lives; something that will cause them to consider God’s offer again; or for the first time.
We are to evangelize the lost. That means preparing ahead of time for divine appointments. We can’t make the most of every opportunity if we remain sideline observers. Step into the field of play; ask the question!

“LORD, give me courage and wisdom to help speak the Gospel Message clearly and without shame. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

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