Thursday, January 10, 2019

One Life to Love

Do not work for food that spoils…
John 6:27

Eve was dying of an unknown virus that had shut down her liver and kidneys. The doctors had said there was nothing they could do. As John stood beside her bed, he prayed that God would give him a chance to make things right.
“Lord, I’ve gravely misunderstood what it means to be a husband and father. Please…” he begged, “give me another chance with Eve. Give me the opportunity to show her what she really means to me.” His heavy heart cried, “The kids and I need her, Lord! Please?!”
John had believed his family’s financial security was the most important item on his to-do list, and he had adhered to that principle to the exclusion of Eve and his children. Right now, he wished he’d listened to Eve’s pleas to spend more time doing the truly important things that matter in a family, instead of investing all his spare time at his job. But he’d nobly given her the same response each time, “I am doing what matters most, Eve…I’m providing for our future.” Now it appeared the future was about to play a cruel joke on John’s philosophy.
Instead, God raised Eve from her sickbed, completely healed!
It’s been four years since that miracle. John still works the same job, but his work ethic has been revised. He now devotes precious time to Eve and the kids...each and every day.
God expects us to work, giving our best while on the job. He does not, however, want us to exclude relationships in the process, especially our relationship with Him. That vital connection influences the way we relate to everyone else.
John’s case is only one example of misguided ideologies, and we all make mistakes that cause relationship spoilage. God wants to remove such waste from our lives so we can experience true fulfillment.
There’s an old adage that says, “Right before you die you probably won’t say, ‘I wish I’d spent more time at the office.’” That’s pretty much how God feels about it too.

“Help me remove or change the things in my life that qualify as excessive, Lord. Show me what adjustments I need to make. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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