Tale of Two Stories
Like one who grabs a stray dog by the
ears is someone who rushes into a quarrel not their own.
Proverbs 26:17
do you know if you should or shouldn't intervene in someone else’s
affairs?” Brennan asked.
used two events to teach me this lesson," Dillon laughed… the
memory of the first event as clear as the day it happened. "I
lived beside three brothers. Their cousins lived up the street. One
afternoon one of the cousins made a derogatory remark to one of the
brothers…it led to blows. As everyone else stood by, letting them
pound on each other, I decided to step between them and break up the
fight. They kept swinging at each other, and I took a major beating.
They, on the other hand, had relieved their frustration and were
content to let bygones be bygones.”
“The other occasion was something
much different.” Dillon’s face turned serious… “I was sitting
beside a couple in a restaurant, when all of a sudden the man began
cussing at his wife and drew back his fist, meaning to hit her. I
instinctively reached out and grabbed his wrist, stopping him
A light came on in Brennan’s eyes as
Dillon continued, “Holding his wrist, I quietly explained that men
do not hit women…nor disrespect them in such a manner. Suffice it
to say, he didn’t share my philosophy. I later learned that he had
done this before and no one had ever confronted him. I guess he must
have figured that if no one was going to stop him he would continue
using fear and abuse to control his wife.”
It is ingrained in men to ‘save
the day’. God created us to protect the weak and those
less-able. Yet, it is foolish to assume that every quarrel requires
our personal intervention or involvement.
In one of today’s examples there is
no question as to whether intervention was advisable. In the other it
appeared to be the right thing to do, and resulted in an unnecessary
When faced with this dilemma, godly
wisdom is required to achieve a beneficial outcome. So, whenever it’s
possible, don’t assume that your action is required. Inquire of the
Lord before taking action.
“Lord, in times like
these, give me the wisdom to know whether to walk away or take
action. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”