Tuesday, April 16, 2019


You have not kept the command the LORD your God gave you; if you had, he would have established your kingdom over Israel for all time.
1 Samuel 13:13

“Take the next right, Beth” Shelly suggested to her daughter, Elizabeth.
“But the GPS said to go on up to Stoller Road,” Beth argued.
“I know, Hon. This evidently is a short cut your GPS doesn’t know about. Trust me, I’ve been this way many times,” Shelly assured her.
As Beth made the turn, her GPS declared, “Recalculating! Recalculating!” notifying Beth it was processing to see if an alternate route to their destination could be found. In less than ten seconds the GPS provided the new route … “Take National Drive five point two miles, then turn east on Wellington Road” the unit instructed, having adjusted their route to compensate for Beth’s unexpected turn.
Three more times Shelly had Beth detour from the GPS’s suggested route. And each time the unit “recalculated” their course, coming up with a new route by which the desired destination could be reached. Apparently there was no limit to the number of routes by which the Mother and Daughter could arrive at their destination.
If a piece of electronic equipment can recalculate our earthly destinations, how much more can God, our Creator, determine our current location and give us the ability to get our life back on track when we stray from His intended course!
Although God wants us to seek and follow His perfect will for our lives, there is always a Plan B by which we can return to the path He would have us walk.
This might be news to some because of David’s prominence in the Bible…but David was not God’s first choice to reign over Israel. Today’s text shows us that Saul, by a series of poor choices, forced God to use David instead. God would have extended forgiveness had Saul sought it. Failing that, God chose David to reign in Saul’s place.
If you’ve strayed, God wants you back. Don’t let the same pride that kept Saul from his intended purpose keep you from yours. Accept Plan B. Let God “recalculate” the path of your life.

“Guide my steps and lead me back to where You want me to be, Lord. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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