Monday, April 8, 2019

God is Near

God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.”
Hebrews 13:5-6

For Roger and Melodie, giving to the Lord was second nature. Over the past two months they had given Him almost forty percent of their income, helping meet a few extra needs within their community. With the remaining sixty percent sufficient to meet their monthly debt, and feeling God leading them to help, they gave cheerfully.
And then, without warning, Roger lost his job. Melodie, who’d recently been laid off, was already struggling to find employment in their small community. Within three weeks they found themselves in their own financial need. They even found themselves arguing over what little money they had.
Deciding prayer was better than arguing, they asked God for peace. He responded immediately, “Do not be afraid. I am here. You will not be taken from My hand.” Right then they determined to remain God-sufficient, allowing Him to work things out and meet their needs.
In the mail the next morning was a rebate check from a past purchase they’d forgotten about, in the amount of $250 dollars…twice the expected amount! It wasn’t the house payment, but they could see God’s hand at work to encourage them.
Many have experienced the overwhelming fear of impending financial loss. It tests our faith and relationships like nothing else can. So what are we to do when the natural appears to be winning and Satan is out to steal our hope?
God wants us to take Him at His word: “I am here. I am not caught unaware. I will provide exactly what you need, when you need it. Do not be afraid. Stand firm! ”
To have faith during financial crisis is simple in theology, yet daunting if we allow ourselves to focus on what we don’t have or stand to lose. And therein lays the battle. If we give in to worry, we lose. Conversely, if we refuse to surrender our faith and trust God for our very existence, we cannot lose.
God is never taken by surprise. Have the faith to let Him deal with your fear.

“I am affected by money more than I want to admit, LORD. Help me trust in Your provision, even if the sky is falling. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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