Thursday, December 26, 2019

Chosen For Worship

When the angels had left them…the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go…see this thing that has happened…So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby...
Luke 2:15, 16

Tommy was used to being the last one chosen, so when Greg called his name first he wasn’t certain he’d heard correctly; neither were the rest of the kids. “Are you nuts?!” Marty cried. “Yah, what’s wrong with you?!” Stevie chimed in. Dickey added, “I think he bumped his head, guys!”
But Greg just looked at Tommy and winked, “I think Tommy is gonna be my most valuable player!”
Tommy, in awe of Greg’s confidence in him, displayed a huge smile. “Thanks, Greg! I won’t let you down!” he promised.
“I know you won’t Buddy!” Greg responded.
Tommy’s eyes lit up even brighter. He’d never had anyone count on him before. Why, he wasn’t even nervous! But he was excited! This was a sensation he’d never experienced before…it felt good…and he liked it!
It made no sense to the Jews that God would send the shepherds to bear witness to the birth of their Savior. The Jewish Talmud says, “Give no help to either a heathen or shepherd.” Shepherds were forbidden to attend temple services or keep Jewish rituals. So, to the Jews, shepherds were the lowest of the low…the very scum of society.
Yet, God gave them the privilege of worshiping His newborn Son!
As dirty on the outside as the stable the King of Creation lay in, the shepherd's character was just as offensive…they were distasteful in every way. Still God loved them, giving them the honor of being the very first to set eyes on His Son, and sing the praises of Heaven to all who would listen.
There are many who, like Tommy and those shepherds, have been rejected and scorned. Yet, God wants us to know that He sent Jesus to each of us! We have been chosen by God to join Him in eternity, and to begin to experience a relationship with Him now. There is an innate sense within that attests to the truth that we are created for worship. The choice is ours.

“Thank You, Father, for the invitation to worship Your Son, Jesus! Bring me into the closest of relationships so I can bring Him the glory and honor He deserves. Amen.”

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