Monday, December 16, 2019


Honor your father and mother…
Exodus 20:12

The phone call was brief. Milt’s father had called to thank him for taking him to his surgical appointment the day before. Milt, his wife, and his mother, had spent nine hours at the out-patient clinic while his father had undergone removal of skin cancer from his face and ear. They removed small amounts of tissue each time, sending his father back to the waiting room after each procedure until they received the ‘All Clear’ from the lab’s microscope technician. In all, four procedures had been needed.
Milt smiled as he thought about the laughter and conversation that had taken place during those nine hours. It had been the best time he’d spent with his parents in a long time. “You’re welcome, Pop,” Milt said. “It was fun…maybe not so much for you,” he joked, “but it was a blessing for Nanc and me to share so much time with you and Mom.”
“I can’t remember laughing so much!” Jack said. “And I’m so glad your Mother didn’t have to sit alone all day.” Three more times Jack thanked Milt for his and his wife’s thoughtfulness.
“I’m glad we could be there, Pop,” Milt reiterated, touched by the sincerity in his father’s voice. “In light of all you’ve done for me over the years, it’s the least I could do.”
In truth, Milt had been more blessed than his father. It really had been a wonderful day.
Honoring our parents is not a suggestion; it is the greatest desire of God’s heart apart from our salvation through the sacrifice of His Son.
Nine hours in an out-patient clinic may not be our first choice for deepening relationships, but it should never amaze us at how God shows up in the most unusual places. Whenever we follow God’s commands, we are ripe to experience His blessing.
By learning to sacrifice on behalf of another, we find fulfillment and joy in the offering. There’s something about sharing time with our parents that, no matter the circumstances, causes God to breathe life into the relationship as we honor them in love.

“LORD, may You and my parents find in me a love that honors the sacrifices made on my behalf. Amen”

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