Monday, April 6, 2020

No Grading Curve

But if we judged ourselves, we would not come under judgment. When we are judged by the Lord, we are being disciplined so that we will not be condemned with the world.
1 Corinthians 11:31, 32

She stared at the red ink at the top of the paper and silently began to formulate an argument for her professor. She waited until the last student was gone and then walked to Mr. Ambrose’s desk.
“Samantha?” he asked, seeing her agitation.
“How could you do this to me?” she all but screamed. “This paper deserved a better grade!”
Calmly, and with appreciation for the moment, he responded, “In looking at the basic thought behind your analysis, I found your work absent of genuine depth. As I read, I felt you had no personal connection with the facts you presented. Your words were mechanical, devoid of emotion. I know you are capable of better work, Samantha. I do not grade on a curve, as I believe it sends the wrong message. Students cannot be rightly motivated if they know they can get by simply because of a curve that allows sub-par effort. You received a grade commensurate to the level at which you performed, a level well below what you are capable of.
Knowing the truth of his statement, she was convicted of the casual effort she had dedicated to her work.
Being left to grade ourselves is a dangerous assignment. Most of us do not possess the ability to assess ourselves objectively; we tend to think highly of our efforts and expect results accordingly.
As in the grading curve mentioned in today’s story, we can be deceived into believing we can bypass Jesus’ sacrifice. Many are under the impression that if they live a good life, they will somehow be deserving of heaven. That just isn’t true. If it were so, Christ died for no good reason, and God is a liar. It requires our receiving and acknowledging the blood sacrifice of Calvary. Only by placing Jesus on the throne of our lives are we rightly motivated. We cannot enter heaven by means of a grading curve.

“Lord Jesus, reign in my life and lead me into all truth. I put my trust in You, not in the world’s flexible gospel. Amen.”

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