Friday, April 17, 2020

Where Do Goldfish Go?

In that day the Root of Jesse will stand as a banner for the peoples.
Isaiah 11:10

It was a somber occasion. Goldie the goldfish was being laid to rest in the backyard beneath the big maple tree. Six-year-old Lynn and ten-year-old Pete had tears in their eyes as Daddy shoveled dirt over the little box they’d helped him construct. “Will we see Goldie when we get to heaven, Mommy?” came Lynn’s wonder-filled question.
Death is like that, Dad thought as he finished the burial. It brings out those difficult-to-answer questions.
Mom thought for a moment and then said, “Well, honey, the Bible says when we die, if we love Jesus, we will live with Him forever. I don’t know if Goldie will be there when we get there, but it won’t be so important since you’ll be with your best friend, Jesus.”
Daddy added, “The Bible also says that there will be animals in heaven and that little children will lead them. So since other animals will be in heaven, maybe Goldie will be there too. We’ll just have to wait and see.”
Satisfied with these answers, the kids prayed that they would get to see Goldie when they got to heaven and then somberly went off to play.
Scripture is explicit in its revelation of animals in heaven. The eleventh chapter of Isaiah leaves no doubt as to their presence. It does not, however, tell us whether our pets will be there. But just as the mother in today’s story revealed to her children, our priorities will change the moment we are in the King’s presence. We will no longer grieve the loss of our pets, nor will our hearts ache with that emptiness created by their passing. We will stand in awe of the Son of God and experience unparalleled joy under His banner of love.
To a young child, the hope of seeing their pet is enough. As we mature in Christ, the hope of seeing Him fills any void the death of an earthly pet might leave.

“Death seems so permanent, Lord. Please be close and comfort us while we wait to be with You in our permanent home. And if Goldie is there, please tell her we said hello! Amen.”

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