Monday, January 3, 2022

 Don’t Let Me Go

If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us from here.

Exodus 33:15

Don and Candy had a decision to make. Their attorney had called, telling them they had been given Candy’s childhood home, a Brownstone duplex in Ohio, in an estate settlement. Her aunt, who had lived in the upstairs apartment, had recently passed away, leaving Candy the property with a clear deed.

But, having worked in their church’s youth ministry for over twenty years, they felt a strong call to stay here in California and minister to the kids of their neighborhood. They were unsure of whether their time here was to come to an end at this time.

Lying in bed that night they discussed their options and prayed, asking God to show them what He wanted them to do. During the night both dreamt the same dream. In the dream they were driving away from the duplex, waving goodbye to a stranger standing on the porch. Upon awakening, they shared their dream with each other and came to the conclusion God was telling them to rent out the duplex and stay in California for now.

We all have difficult choices in which we would like to know that our final decision was inspired by God. And God will not always be as conspicuous in His answers as He was with Don and Candy. Yet, learning to listen for His response to our prayers and petitions can be achieved. Hearing God is not rocket science, but it does require active listening on our part.

By reading and studying God’s Word each day, we learn to draw on Spirit-inspired insight and wisdom hidden for us within the pages of Scripture. There are tremendous benefits to submitting everything to God and asking for His guidance.

As in Moses’ case, we should cry, “If You’re not where I’m going, don’t let me go!” Through active listening we can develop the ability to hear God’s response to our requests.


“Please let me know Your will for the days and events of my life, Lord. Teach me to listen and hear what Your Spirit reveals to me and then act accordingly with courage and peace. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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