Friday, January 28, 2022

 Granddad’s Treasure Chest

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Matthew 6:19

As Tom brushed dirt from the miniature treasure chest, he was transported fifteen years back through time to the day he and his Grandad had buried it in the backyard of the family farm. Grandad had said, “Tom, there are only a few things really important in life: the love of family, the feel of a good book in your hands, and most of all, the love and faithfulness of God. Without the latter, the others don’t have any significance.” Throwing dirt over the chest, he had said, “Let’s dig it up on your twentieth birthday and weigh the importance of the things we’re burying today.” 

As Tom opened the chest, he couldn’t suppress a sob; he wished Grandad were here to do this with him. The first item he uncovered was the medal Grandad had received for service to his country. Next was an old pair of Grandad’s eyeglasses; Tom had always liked them and thought he might need them in the future. There was an old report card, a few old coins, and a pack of baseball cards. The last item Tom pulled from the chest was a pocket-sized Bible. It had been the first item Grandad had placed in the chest.

Tom remembered what his Grandad had said when he’d placed that little Bible in the chest. “Son, everything we have placed in here will have a price placed on it when you dig it up, all except this one; this little Bible is priceless. The words of this book will sustain you when all these other things are gone. Never place a higher value on the things of this world than you do the Word of God. If you trust in God, you’ll never be alone, never be poor, and never be lost.” Tom smiled. He had adhered to his Grandad’s faith.


“Lord Jesus, I want my heart to be in heaven. Help me live for You here so that I can live with You there. Amen.”

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