Tuesday, October 1, 2024

 Sludge Free

October 1

You must live no longer as the Gentiles do.

Ephesians 4:17

A small town election had degraded into hate-filled accusation's. There was no longer any friendly banter. The politicians had pulled out all the stops, and the gloves had come off. They were running smear campaigns and defaming each other. It didn’t matter what damage was done or that they had stooped to new lows; they wanted to win. Character assassination was the order of the day.

“Can you believe this?” Melodie said, laying down the newspaper. “Neither of them is standing on godly principals. All they want is to make his opponent look bad. I can’t, in good conscience, vote for either one of them.”

Kyle sighed. “They’re both walking in darkness. Both have consistently voted against moral legislation. They’ve made this election about money and who’s going to bring the economy back in line. You know, if we would honor God’s laws, we wouldn’t be in this financial crisis. There doesn’t seem to be a politician on the Hill that’s standing for what God wants. It’s getting so even the lesser of two evils is totally evil!” 

Kyle looked toward the ceiling and voiced his concerns. “Forgive our nation, Lord, and those of us who allowed things to get to this point. Raise up men and women to carry the fight to Washington and right this sinking ship. Lift us out of the darkness that has spread itself over our nation like sludge. Amen.”

The New Living Translation uses the word ungodly in place of Gentiles, denoting Gentiles as anyone not living a godly life.

The world is full of people seeking personal gain in a godless manner. Among them are many of our politicians. They seek to further and empower their party’s worldview regardless of the cost.

Paul is precise in his instruction of how we are to respond. We are to avoid such living while trying to influence those who choose this lifestyle in a godly manner. We may find ourselves with opportunities to share our faith, yet we are instructed to not live as they do. Paul knew that our own spirituality will become contaminated if we swim in sludge.


“Lord, keep me under Your watch and care. Help me refrain from anything that fails to line up with Your will. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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