Monday, September 30, 2024

 I Don’t Want This Bed

September 30

Humble yourselves … under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up.

1 Peter 5:5, 6

Reuben, struggling to roll over while trying to not wake his wife, finally made it and then sat up on the edge of the bed. He tentatively reached behind himself with both hands and began rubbing his lower back. I hate this bed! This thing’s killin’ my back! I hate my back too. Hey, God, how about a touch, he asked silently. He’d been asking God for healing for almost thirty years now. My thorn, I guess, was his first thought, followed by his second, This bed’s gotta go!

He made his way to the shower and just stood there, allowing the hot water to massage his aching muscles.

June emerged from the bedroom a half hour later, whistling and ready for the day.

Reuben looked at her and said, “We’re getting a new bed today.” Then he added, “I refuse to sleep on that slab of rock one more night!”

“I’m sorry, honey,” June said with a bit of a chuckle. “But do you really think the next mattress is going to be any better than the last four?”

Reuben was determined to try at least one more time. “I won’t be able to answer that question until we try the new one we’re buying today.” And following breakfast, they jumped in the pickup truck and headed for the Discount Wholesale Furniture Warehouse.

Society often uses the idiom, “You made your bed, now lie in it!” But God says He can lift us out of difficult circumstances.

It is within each of us to make spiritual changes based on what God is able to do for us. We are not hindered from asking Him to show us the way to a better life. We are limited only by our courage to humbly ask Him to show us how to bring about such improvement.

When we make the effort to lift ourselves day by day to a new spiritual level, God provides what’s necessary to attain that life. Though it may require temporary discomfort, we need not suffer a negative attitude that is clouded by our physical circumstances.


“Lord, I come to You asking for guidance. Show me how to improve my mind-set and to look to You instead for my daily bread. Amen.”

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