Sunday, May 6, 2012


Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature…
Colossians 3:5

“My chords don’t sound anything like yours,” Eric said, shaking his fingers, trying to restore feeling to them.
“I’ve been playing for twenty-seven years,” Lew said. “My fingertips are well-calloused.” Holding his hand so Eric could see the fingertips, he explained, “When I press the strings against the neck it’s like using the rounded end of a ball-peen hammer.” He grinned, “Right now yours are more like putty. Your fingers will toughen up and the chords will sound crisp. Give it time. It’ll come. I promise.”
Eric looked at his fingertips, “I’m thinking mine are more like hamburger than putty!”
Lew laughed, remembering how his fingers had cracked and bled when he first learned to play. “Looks familiar,” he admitted. “I soaked mine in salt water for a few minutes each day. You should too. It stings a might, but it keeps infection from setting in and toughens the skin….helps build those calluses.” As an afterthought he added, “Whatever you do don’t use lotion; it softens your fingertips.”
This is the perfect example of how our hearts become hardened to sin. Like learning to play the guitar, the things we practice create calluses. These calluses allow us to become insensitive to any spiritual or emotional discomfort involved. The more we do them, the thicker the calluses become. Eventually, there is little to no sensation whatsoever.
Today’s text says that we must get rid of the sinful things that rule our lives. To do that we must remove the callousness that helps propagate sin.  
Reading God’s word is the equivalent to applying lotion to our hearts. Each time we apply the word it removes a little more of the callus. Verse 2 says, “Set your minds on things above.” When we commit God’s word to our heart it removes any callousness we have toward God, and builds calluses between us and Satan.
And as uncomplicated as it sounds: If you’re living in sin, stop it! God is offering you a choice right now. My prayer is that you will put to death anything that stands between you and God. Sometimes it can take awhile. Give it time. It’ll come. God promises!

“Scrub away the hard spots of my heart, Lord. Make it soft so Your word can penetrate with life-changing results. In Jesus’ Name, amen.” 

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