Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Deliberate Investments

Be Shepherds of God’s flock …
1Peter 5:2

Hardy moved quietly, trying not to awaken anyone but his eight year-old son, Griff, “Hey Buddy,” he whispered while softly shaking Griff’s shoulder, wanting to awaken, but not startle his son.
Griff was groggy at first. Then, in that first moment of awareness where we lay hold of understanding, Griff sat upright, they were going fishing! “Is it time?!” he asked excitedly.
“Yep!” Hardy could barely restrain his laughter at his son’s immediate transition from a dead sleep to wide awake, Funny how the mind works its way through the fog of unconsciousness into stark clarity so quickly when it’s something fun! he thought.
Twenty minutes later, with breakfast consumed, fishing gear loaded, and the boat hitched to the truck, they set out for the lake and a day of adventure.
Griff was a live-wire, shooting rapid-fire questions, hardly allowing Hardy time to answer before the next one burst from his lips, “Where we goin’ first?! Can I drive the boat?! Do we have ‘nough worms?! Didja get the bigfatjuicyones?!”
“Whoa, Buddy! Don’t wear yourself out before we get there!” Hardy smiled, remembering mornings like this when his Dad had looked at him in amusement, while shaking his head and patiently answering each question.
This was going to be a great day, full of possibilities; a day of memories waiting to be made and experienced!

Hardy loved to fish because his father had taken the time to introduce him to the sport. The man had deliberately invested in his son; depositing knowledge, wisdom, and time, so that Hardy had the best chance at becoming a man of character, and one who looked out for others. Hardy, likewise, wanted Griff to be a man of character; someone willing to invest in others. In short, he understood a father’s charge: shepherd your flock.
Our sons and daughters will exhibit only the characteristics we take the time to model for them. If we deliberately invest in them they will not disappoint us, or society.
The truth about time is that it is fleeting. We should endeavor to not miss a chance to plant good seeds into each moment provided.

“Help me plant good seeds, Lord. Show me when and what to deposit into my flock’s lives, Father. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. “

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