Saturday, May 19, 2012


And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.
Romans 5:5

They each held a fist full of violets as they rode the thirty minutes to see Gramma in the nursing home. They were so proud of picking them—one or two at a time—from the blanket of little flowers covering the plush grass under the grape arbor.
The sisters had picked until they had what amounted to two brilliant bouquets of blue, purple, and white love! With smiles that matched the joy in their heart and climbing on stools to be seen, they held them at arms length and announced, “Here!” Gramma, who’d had a stroke recently, managed a smile. Delighted Gramma had liked their present, the little girls jumped from their stools and ran from the room, heading for their next encounter with life.
Shaking their heads and smiling, Mom and Dad watched as the girls flew out the door. They continued to sit at Gramma’s bedside, marveling at the vitality of life. In two, it was increasing; in one, it declined, and through it all, the love remained alive, attentive, and selfless. As a tear slipped from Mom’s cheek to the collar of her dress, she thanked God for creating flowers so little girls could use them to say, “I love you!”

The cycle of life retains a hope for the future. In each little kindness, we reflect the love of God that His Spirit produces in us. As we grow older, we become more sensitive to His leading and to the gifts He gives us along life’s journey.
As flowers bloom in season, we too develop into something beautiful as we draw nearer to God. We are blessed with special moments and memories that construct the substance of life. In those memories lies hope for the future.

“Father of love, thank You for giving me relationships that cause my heart to soar and tumble with the events of life. May hope be seen in my life as I do my best to reflect the presence of Your Holy Spirit. Forgive me when it doesn’t and help me adjust my attitude. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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