Thursday, April 24, 2014

Love Deeply

Love … always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
1 Corinthians 13:7

Adrian and Jennifer devised a unique wedding gift for their young friends. Instead of something traditional, they decided to pass along one of their favorite books. Hidden within its pages were three restaurant gift certificates and a handwritten note encouraging them to love deeply. The book, written by a Christian author, gave practical ways in which to enrich our relationships and fend off complacency in marriage.
There was a catch though; this couple might not read the book immediately and may not find the certificates for years. In truth, that was exactly how they envisioned their plan working out. Hopefully, when in times of struggle, they would remember the book, pull it off the shelf to gain some inspiration, and there find wisdom, the note, and the gift certificates.
In the note was a simple message: “When it feels like love is ebbing, press on! Remember the hope you shared in courtship. Use one of the gift certificates today. Learn to listen to each other; never give in; always persevere, dare to love deeply!”
Thirty years of marriage had provided Adrian and Jennifer with a measure of wisdom.
God has provided this same wedding gift for us, His bride. Not that we would only open His Word in times of trouble, but that especially during those times we would press on and seek to find the wisdom He has buried deep within the pages of Scripture.
Wisdom comes through experience. Seldom do we learn lessons by hearing about them. Most of the time, events must first happen to us before they have any meaning in our lives. In those times, we can benefit from the experience of others, but only if we ask for help. God loves us so deeply that He has hidden timeless and pertinent treasures in His Word. Just for us, just for now.

“In those times when we need a boost, Lord, lead us to the correct passage in Your Word. And please send us a messenger of love who has been where we are now. Give us courage to love deeply. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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