Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourself.
Philippians 2:3

Gretchen slowed her vehicle as she approached the construction area. With no flagmen to direct traffic, and even though the road crew was working in the opposite lane, vehicle after vehicle continued to ignore Gretchen’s legal right-of-way by pulling out from behind the crew and into her lane, hurrying toward their destination.
As car after car repeatedly disregarded traffic laws and safety, Gretchen fought for composure, resisting the urge to lay on her horn and shake her fist out the window in protest.
Finally, after some twenty additional vehicles played follow-the-leader, one vehicle stopped, deferring to Gretchen’s lane of traffic. As she eased forward, Gretchen observed the driver giving her a shoulder-shrug, with hands raised in the I have no idea why people do what they do? gesture. It was his way of letting her know he’d noticed her predicament and that he appreciated the way she’d handled the long line of impatient drivers.
Someone had been watching! Gretchen smiled, returned the gesture, and was extremely thankful she’d fought the urge to retaliate. “What kind of witness would it have been if I had gone off on one of them, Lord? Thank You for helping me act as one of Your children should,” she prayed silently.
Many, if not all of us, have experienced me-ism. It’s blindingly apparent in other people; but how often do we barge ahead, failing to consider others and whether what we are doing will have an adverse affect on them?
Paul urged the Philippians to act like Christ instead of the world. For in doing so they would provide a good witness and find opportunity to share the gospel. How many times have we regretted our actions after the fact, wishing we had it all to do over again? Someone is always watching. And when we bull our way through life because of a sense of entitlement, the selfishness of me-ism speaks loud and clear. On the other hand, if we imitate Christ, we, and those who need to see Him, won’t rob God of the opportunity to be seen.

“Help me put my selfish ambition and me-ism to death, Lord. Teach me to consider others ahead of myself. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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