Stocking the Shelves
Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house.
Malachi 3:10
Grace didn’t understand this “tithing thing,” as she put it. Yesterday’s sermon had been titled, “Stocking God’s Shelves.” The pastor had spoken about giving God the first fruits of our labor as an act of love and obedience. He spoke of God’s instruction to the Israelites on this matter, referencing Old and New Testament Scripture. He said, “In reality, everything we have is God’s. But because He loves us so much, He doesn’t force us to tithe.” He spoke about reciprocity and how we can’t outgive God, reading from Malachi where God says, “Test me in this.”
Grace and her husband, Reggie, were new Christians. All this stuff was foreign to them, but they wanted to do the right thing. So, out of obedience, Reggie and Grace began giving fifteen percent of their income—ten percent for tithe, five percent of offering—to help stock God’s shelves. It was difficult at first, sitting down each payday and writing that first check to God. But they did it. And within the first two months, things began to happen. Reggie received a pre-evaluation raise, and Grace received an insurance settlement she knew nothing about. God was responding to their obedience to keep His storehouses full.
The subject of tithing makes many people uncomfortable, and many get offended every time the collection plate is passed.Taking into consideration that there are those in ministry who pollute what God has ordained, Scripture is clear on our financial responsibility to God’s church. Building the kingdom requires finances. Whether we make a contribution or not is up to us.
When Jesus said, “The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil,” He was saying that we either trust in Him for what we need or we trust in ourselves.
When we hoard our money, we are stealing our own blessings because God cannot and will not bless those who do not sow into His kingdom. “Bring” is a command with both a choice and a promise attached.
“Lord, teach me to trust You and believe. Help money to become a tool for the kingdom and not a vice that seduces my heart. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”
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