Saturday, January 3, 2015

Closing the Gaps in Grace

Put to death therefore…
Colossians 3:5-10

“Don’t you get tired of being overtaken by the same sin?” Anna asked.
Brenda’s face was a mixture of offense and confusion, “How can you ask such a question?”
“Look,” Anna said quietly, “all I’m saying is if we consciously leave gaps for the enemy to exploit we’re asking for trouble. We’re supposed to put to death those things that hinder our relationship with Jesus; not entertain them.”
“I know that!” Brenda said, feeling that Anna was judging her. “But I get so tired of fighting this battle! Don’t you understand?” she asked.
“Sure I understand!” Anna said. “Persistent battles wear us down. But not long ago God showed me I was abusing His grace.”
“What do you mean?” Brenda asked.
“There were specific issues in my life I refused to completely surrender to God,” Anna admitted candidly. “I retained the right to return to them when and if I didn't feel like fighting the battle anymore, and as a result I ended up falling into the same sin. That I was wrong to give up just because I was tired never entered my thoughts. I conveniently ignored that truth.” Anna let that sink in a minute, then added, “Brenda, grace becomes the enemy’s tool when we defiantly do what we want believing that as long as we repent of it later everything is okay.” Then she added gently, “When we willfully abuse grace we become like harlots, defiling ourselves and thumbing our nose at God.”
Grace has been abused to the point of becoming nothing more than a cop-out for willful immaturity.
Anna discovered the truth about grace. It is the gift of God, justification extended to those who would seek a righteous life through His Son and the Power of His Holy Spirit! He wants to awaken us to the wiles of the enemy and give us the power to overcome!
It is one thing if we are ignorant of the enemy’s attempt to veil this truth, quite another once the ignorance has been exposed. Because once exposed, we are no longer ignorant. And our rebellion can no longer be passed off as an un-informed choice.


“LORD, show me where this is true in my life and help me put it to death. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

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