Criticism, Know Judgment;
Criticism, No Judgment
Do not judge, or you too will be
Matthew 7:1
Matt believed that because other
people’s shortcomings were so evident to him it was his
responsibility to point them out. He felt that if he objectively
criticized people they would make an effort to change their behavior.
And because of his perceived responsibility, Matt never hesitated to
give his opinion on any given matter, at any given moment.
One day as Matt was creatively
criticizing a coworker, his boss happened to be standing nearby.
Hearing Matt’s openly critical analogy of his coworker’s
abilities, he decided to give Matt a lesson in grace. The moment Matt
finished, he walked over and said, “You know, Matt, it’s one
thing to give constructive criticism when it’s asked for; quite
another to indiscriminately berate a person because you believe you
are doing them a favor.”
Matt was astonished that his boss
didn't seem to appreciate his actions and explained that he was
only doing it so his coworker would be an asset to the company
instead of a liability!
“You know, Matt, when you first
started here I was warned against hiring you. But I saw potential. I
believed you to be a man of integrity. If you continue berating
people I might be forced to reconsider my original assessment.”
True wisdom appreciates constructive
criticism. Regardless of this fact, it is still uncomfortable, and
should be solicited, not offered.
It is easier to judge than look inside
and change the wrong within. And for that reason we must guard
against judging.
The Matts of the world fail to
understand the destructive nature of their actions until they
themselves are judged. Nobody appreciates a hypocrite; especially
within the Church. When those outside the Church see those inside
beating each other up, they want no part of it.
The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy,
peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control;
Paul did not list criticism or judgment. We should make every effort
to offer grace, lest we be judged.
“I thank You that You
are patient with me, Lord. Help me to bear good fruit that is
enticing, not spoiled remnants that repel, discourage and destroy. In
Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
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