With God
With the Lord a day is like a thousand
years, and a thousand years are like a day.
2 Peter 3:8
Dewey set out to accomplish as much as
he could on his to-do list. The truth was he was pretty sure he might
only make it half way through the list before running out of time,
but that wasn’t going to stop him from trying. Climbing into his
car, Dewey decided to take a moment and ask God for help with the
list, “Guide me today, Lord. Help me make the most of the time I’m
given. Amen.”
Following the prayer, Dewey was struck
by a deeper thought which prompted a deeper question, “How are we
going to accomplish everything You have for us to do before Your
return, Lord?”
God reminded him of Peter’s
proclamation, “With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a
thousand years are like a day.” And then God said, “If you let Me
help you, we can get done in one day what will take you a thousand
years to do.”
Dewey contemplated God’s words as he
went about carrying out the tasks God set before him that day. At the
end of the day he’d completed all the tasks on the list! God had
certainly maximized his efforts.
Inviting God into our day is paramount
to making the most of the time we have. Scripture says we are but a
vapor (James 4:14) and then we are gone; not much
in light of eternity.
If we choose not to enlist God’s help
we won’t have much of an impact on the world in the time we have.
By asking Him to make the most of each day, using our gifting and
talents, we can maximize our efforts, and God can accomplish great
things through us.
Here’s how God’s math works with ‘a
thousand years as one day”: one hour equals 41.66 years. One
minute would be .69 of a year, or 251.85 days. One second would equal
4.2 days.
If we call on the power of Heaven we
stand a much better chance of accomplishing God’s goals in our
“Help me be a good
steward of my time, LORD. Order my steps as I
call on You for help. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”
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