Friday, March 11, 2016

Someone Is Starving

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
Matthew 5:6

The chef watched as the people filled their plates, choosing entrees and side dishes. Taste and preference made for diversity in cuisine, something this restaurant prided itself on. It seemed there was no end to what you could find on the menu. It never ceased to amaze the chef how people sought to satisfy their hunger with so many different delicacies—choice cuts of meat with garlic potatoes and sautéed carrots—while others ate lightly of poached fish with lemon sauce and a side of cottage cheese with fruit.
There were as many salads as there were customers, and the people eagerly loaded plates with exotic lettuces and all the trimmings, anticipating the wonderful flavor. And for refreshment they served flavored lemonades and iced teas with seven distinctive blends of coffee—so many choices even the most disparaging customer was satisfied. The chef was proud of his ability to meet the culinary desires of each individual. He had never received a single complaint.
The wedding feast for the bride of Christ will be the greatest banquet ever attended. Not because of the food, but because we will be feasting with the Groom! We have nothing with which to compare the delight and pleasure we will be afforded on that day. And our presence there will be owed to the righteousness of Christ.
In this world, we will never be satisfied or full. However, the Spirit wants to stir a hunger and thirst within those who want even more!
Like the chef in today’s story, Jesus loves providing for our every need.
Yet, at times, we take our nourishment from the wrong food source. Free will allows us to eat as much of whatever we want. The cliché “You are what you eat” has never had truer meaning.

“Jesus, we look longingly to the day when we will feast with you in eternity. Use us to lead others to your banquet table. Amen.”

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