Sunday, March 20, 2016

Wise Men Seek Help

The purposes of a man’s heart are deep waters, but a man of understanding draws them out.
Proverbs 20:5

Mitch was considering a career change. He’d been collaborating with Drake, seeking help instead of trying to figure it out all by himself. They had been brought together by divine appointment and both felt God leading them to pioneer new territory.
Mitch had an unquenchable desire to discover a deeper knowledge of how he could affect the kingdom of God. That was where Drake came in. Drake was a career consultant/counselor, a godly man with tremendous wisdom. He was gifted with the ability to help unlock other people’s spiritual potential.
After several weeks of meeting together, God revealed what He intended Mitch’s ministry to be. Mitch decided to share his intimate knowledge of the depth of God’s grace with the world through writing. With a sordid past, Mitch was able to explain God’s grace with profound understanding because he had needed it so desperately.
Eighteen months later, with a newly published book, speaking engagements across the country had been scheduled; they would generate enough income to allow for future writing.
The assertion “Wise men still seek Him” still holds true. Yet few choose to live the life required to grasp and understand the deep mysteries of God. Those mysteries are hidden for us, not from us.
God is a rewarder of those who hunger for His truth. We must recognize that short of supernatural intervention, we need help unlocking those mysteries. His intention in revealing them is that we would learn from our discoveries.
Mitch knew he was being called to something deeper; Drake understood how to discover what that was.
Pride and self-sufficiency has chained many a productive heart. God asks us to come humbly seeking His will for our lives while enlisting the help of others so the work we are called to might be accomplished.

“Holy Spirit, set us free from the bondage of self. Help us to not get caught up in our own version of wisdom. Teach us the better way of joining with likeminded believers in an effort to get at the marrow of Your nature. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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