We Cry Out
In my distress I called to the Lord; I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice.
Psalm 18:6
Standing in church with his hands raised to heaven, Mitch was thinking of the day God had gotten all there was of him to get. He’d been discing along the fence row of a plowed field. As he always did, Mitch was ducking under the overhanging branches, lifting them out of the way as he circled the outer edges of the field.
This time, however, he miscalculated the size and strength of one limb in particular. Trying to duck under while lifting it, the branch wouldn’t give. In the blink of an eye, he was dragged out of his seat and over the back of the tractor, landing on top of the ten-foot disk. As the churning disks grabbed at his clothes, Mitch cried out, “Help me, Lord!” The tractor stopped! Amazed, he rose up to discover the limb had broken as it knocked him from his seat. It had caught in the fan belt of the engine, stalling it and stopping the forward motion of both tractor and disk. Looking up, Mitch whispered, “Thank You, Lord.”
Helpless before God, we catch a glimpse of how deep and fathomless His love for us is. This God, the One Who loves us so much that He sent His Son to cancel a debt we owed, watches over us. That payment purchased our ability to relate with God in such a way that we can cry out and be heard! No longer must we offer blood sacrifices to be absolved from our sin. Today we can come boldly before the throne of God with an assurance of being heard. We should, however, come with reverence and the sacrifice of praise, declaring His wonderful love and mighty power. Most of the time, God’s work goes unnoticed. But when we cry out in distress, be assured He will respond.
“I am awed by Your provision, Abba. You protect me from the enemy and myself. You rescue me from my mistakes and warn me of impending trouble through Your Holy Spirit. Thank You, Jesus, for the sacrifice of love that allows me to come directly to the throne room. Amen.”
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