Wednesday, June 1, 2016

I Saw Jesus

When they heard that Jesus was alive and that she had seen him, they did not believe it.
Mark 16:11

Annie is a thirty-seven-year-old woman who, by the world’s standards, is mentally retarded and socially challenged. The morning’s conversation had been engaging, causing Brenda to recall a similar dialogue from last year when Annie had looked up from her pancakes and quite deliberately asked, “What color is Jesus?”
Brenda had cautiously asked, “Why?”
“Well, in the Jesus movies, He’s white. I think He’s black!” was Annie’s adamant response.
“Really? What makes you think Jesus is black?” had been Brenda’s curious response.
“I saw Jesus!” Annie had animatedly said. “His hair isn’t long either; it’s short and curly!” Brenda had explained to Annie that Jesus, being a Jew, would have darker skin, curly hair, and, more than likely, He had dark brown eyes.
This morning’s discussion gave Brenda a sudden inspiration; she prompted Annie, “I forget, Annie, when did you see Jesus?”
“ ‘member when I got my teeth pulled? I saw Jesus then. I wanted to go with Him, but He said it wasn’t time, and I had to come back.” Brenda remembered! Annie’s blood pressure had plummeted from the anesthesia during her dental surgery. The surgeon had been extremely concerned.
Annie’s recalling of last year’s event had been word for word! Had Annie actually seen Jesus?
Many people have related stories of Jesus appearing to them in a dream or vision; some claim to have seen Him in the flesh.
What causes us to struggle with Jesus appearing in the here and now? By and large, it’s because just like the disciples, we doubt until He appears to us!
Most of us won’t see Jesus face to face until the day He takes us home. It’s difficult for us to deal with Jesus showing Himself to others and not us. It’s an assault on our pride to allow someone else to see Him while we may not get to this side of heaven. And even though Scripture relates over forty days’ worth of Jesus appearing to some five hundred people following the resurrection, not everyone saw Him.
He asks most of us to believe in faith and accept the witness of those, like Annie, who have seen Him.

“Lord, help my faith be strong enough to not only not discount other people’s claims of seeing You, but also to believe. Amen.”

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