Monday, June 6, 2016

Wherever I’m At

Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable … think about such things.
Philippians 4:8

Brenan bumped in to Myrt at the post office. “How ya doin’, Myrt?” he asked.
“Just marvelous, Brenan. The sun’s not so hot just now!” she responded, referencing them having been seated beside each other at a football game the evening before. Early September games were played under the waning summer sun. It could, and often did, get into the nineties. Yesterday evening had been one such occasion.
Myrt was one of the community’s long-term residents, having lived her entire life here. Brenan knew her to be cheery, with as positive an outlook as anyone he knew. He enjoyed bumping into her and spending time in conversation; she was well spoken, always upbeat, with constructive thought and an encouraging word for whomever she encountered.
As Brenan turned to leave, he said, “As always, Myrt, it was good to see you. Enjoy yourself today and have fun.”
“Wherever I’m at, I have fun, Brenan!” she responded with a laugh. As he left, Brenan recognized the truth in her comment. He smiled as he thought to himself, Yes, Myrt, life has never beaten you down. I have yet to hear you complain or speak negatively in all the years I’ve known you.
We have a choice in how we approach life, in how we portray ourselves to others, and our convictions are displayed in our attitude. We can, and do, display optimism or pessimism, hope, or hopelessness. Our outlook will help or hinder, encourage or discourage.
Unquestionably, people can read in our actions how we feel about matters we deem important or issues of consequence. So what are they hearing when our actions speak?
Though we should not allow what others think about us declare or define who we are, we should care that they have a brighter outlook upon leaving our presence.
Paul suggests we can do that by thinking about the right things. The axiom, “Garbage in, garbage out” is relevant ‘wherever I’m at’.

“Lord, let the light that comes from me be an illuminating light and not a blinding one. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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