Thursday, June 30, 2016

Life’s Roller Coasters

Great are your purposes and mighty are your deeds.
Jeremiah 32:19

“How’ve you been, Oren?” Tyrel said as he hugged his friend, eager to catch up on what had happened since they’d last seen each other.
“Good,” Oren responded. “But it’s been a little disappointing. I recently lost an opportunity to expand my business. I met with a new investor several times, and everyone seemed satisfied. They called, saying things were almost complete on their end. That was four months ago. I haven’t heard from them since.”
“I’m sorry, Oren. But don’t give up. Who knows? Maybe they’ll call today.” He tried to encourage his friend with a metaphor. “It sounds as if you’ve been on a roller coaster ride. They’re thrilling and frustrating. But we learn a lot from taking the ride.” He continued, “Just seeing the coaster elicits a thrill! Kinda like you, looking forward to growing the business. The first big hill is scary, but anticipating the drop is thrilling! The next thing we know, we’re falling at breakneck speed. We involuntarily scream and feel like we’re losing control. We get freaked out and want to jump. But that would be suicide! Oren, the hardest part of the ride is trusting the operator. God knows what’s best for your life. Just hang on and trust Him.”
“I do. But sometimes I wish the ride wasn’t so wild,” Oren said.
We can all identify with Oren. We’ve been on life’s roller coasters, where the rides have been some of the toughest lessons we’ve ever learned. Yet apart from these disappointments, we gain no appreciable experience, and our spiritual growth becomes stunted. Learning to lose gracefully pays dividends.
Coaster rides are difficult, frustrating, and sometimes even perilous.
But know this: God will never harm us. He wants to purpose our lives by leading us to the center of His will. Sometimes that means riding the coaster when it’s the last thing we want to do. Have faith! His Word assures us that He is trustworthy.
Would you risk a wild ride with God for His promise of great and mighty things?

“Sometimes life scares me, Lord. I need reassurance. Take away my fear and replace it with the faith that knows You’re near. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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