Monday, February 12, 2018


Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the law.
Proverbs 29:18

Paula looked in her rear-view mirror to see red and blue flashing lights; the siren wailed as the cruiser gained on her. Pulling over and rolling down the window, she waited on the officer. He shined his flashlight on her as he bent over and asked for her license and registration, asking, “Do you know how fast you were going, ma’am?”
Paula explained, “The dash lights just went out as I came over the hill back there, so I’m not really sure. Somewhere around twenty-five miles per hour, officer.” She wasn’t lying; her dash lights really had failed. It was almost 5:00 a.m., and she was on her way to work. Figuring she’d get away with a warning, she was angry when the officer came back with a ticket. “I can’t believe you’d write me a ticket when my dash lights failed on me at 5:00 a.m.!”
To which he replied, “You were doing thirty-five miles per hour in a twenty-five mile-per-hour zone, ma’am. And this happens to be the time of day I work.”
Boundaries are limits placed upon mankind to avoid anarchy and assure everyone’s safety. Boundaries are guidelines that teach us how we are to act and treat each other. They are as old as the foundations of the earth. The universe is full of them, both physical and spiritual.
Satan is also limited by boundaries. He tries to cross them and gain entrance into our lives, sometimes subtly, sometimes in frontal attacks. We, as believers in the power of God, must exercise our authority in Christ to maintain those boundaries. We enforce Satan’s boundaries by resisting temptation and speaking truth from the Word, by standing firm in the knowledge of God. It’s up to us to contend for our freedom from the enemy by entering the battle. By seeking God’s will for our lives, we’re halfway there.

“Help me stay within the boundaries You set for my life, Lord. I understand that when the enemy comes in temptation, I must put up barriers to keep him from leading me into destructive behaviors. Speak to me through Your Word, circumstances, and others. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”

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